IPChain Association acted as the official partner of the Business Platform of VII Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum, which was held on November 15-17, 2018.
For the first time at the Forum, IPChain Association opened the unique IPQuorum.Culture communications platform, which has become a new step in development of long-term partnership with the Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum.
Within three days a number of business events devoted to the most topical issues of development of the national and global intellectual property segment within the context of the modern culture as well as creation of new business models providing for mutual integration of culture and technologies in the digital economy was held within the platform. In partnership with TASS Information Agency the special “Cult&Tech: New Content Economy” session was held within the Mass Communications section.
The recognized international workers of culture and art, leading representatives of the business community, non-profit associations, Russian and foreign ministries, agencies, supervising the cultural sphere and intellectual property turnover have become the participants of IPQuorum.Culture communications platform.